Monday, November 14, 2011

Personal Technology Project #2 - Google Groups

I learned that Google Groups is fairly similar to a blog.  For instance, it can be interactive where people can reply to posts and you can post pictures and attachments.  I also learned that you can categorize your group so that it fits into a specific genre of groups, like I categorized mine in the health group.

It would be useful to use Google Groups in my class room to overcome instructional problems like misplacing a student's work.  If they are able to complete assignments online by simply posting to a response, then I will not have to worry about losing their work.  It would also be useful in overcoming problems like limited numbers of copies each teacher can make.  By attaching an assignment or having them submit it online, I won't have to worry about limiting the number of copies I can make.

A couple of activities I would use Google Groups for are to create discussions online.  Like I could post an interesting article about a unit we are on and my students could respond to the article through the Google Group and respond to each others' comments.  I could also use Google Groups for group projects.  My students could create their own groups and contact each other through the group or post information for a project online through Google Groups.

The problems I see that are associated with Google Groups are that not all my students are guaranteed to have access to the internet or a computer based on where I teach.  Also, I feel like there are more capabilities for interaction through things like blogs and class websites. 


  1. Could you please invite me to your google group? (adelheid dot elizabeth at gmail dot com). Thanks!

  2. I just sent you the invitation! Sorry about that, I thought i had already invited you and Dr. West.
