Monday, December 12, 2011

This is a video that I would assign my students to complete as a project for the Substance Abuse unit in my Health classes. I apologize for the random voice that chimes in throughout the video (there were some issues with the imovie program that left a watermark on my video).

Creating these videos are lots of fun and would be a great way to engage students in learning. I could create videos to document a long term experiment or goal, such as documenting my training for a marathon or my eating for a week. My students could create videos about health habits they are changing, similar to documentaries. I specifically chose to make a video that exemplifies a project I would assign my students because I feel like this type of assignment would be an effective way for my students to personalize the information they are learning. For example, I would love to have my students create a music video, a poem, a song, or some other form of expression to demonstrate what they learned about refusal skills in the substance abuse unit. Overall, I think this would be a great way to captivate students and change teaching methods up.


  1. Solid work katy i thought it was a solid video. It was hard to hear at a couple points but nice creativity!

  2. I loved it! hahaha I thought it was very cleaver, and of course since I'm also going to be a health teacher I thought it was wonderful! The voice over at times was distracting, but it was still good overall!
